Test Server
Account Creation
Create an account using _M / F style registration. On first login, append _M or _F to your username to create an account, and after your first login you can omit it. Note: Everyone on the test server shares the same master storage.
Available Commands
@item3: Used to create an item with random options. You'll need to use the option IDs you can find on the Random Options page.
@jobchange <Job Name>: Change your job.
@zeny <amount>: Give yourself zeny.
@go <town id or name>: Warp directly to the given town.
@warp <map,x,y>: Warp directly to a specific map and optional coordinates.
@blvl +/-<amount>: Increase or decrease your base level.
@jlvl +/-<amount>: Increase or decrease your job level.
@item <item name or id>: Create an item.
@homfriendly <amount>: Increase the intimacy of your homonculus.
@homlevel <amount>: Increase the level of your homonculus.
@petfriendly <amount>: Increase the intimacy of your pet.
@alive: Resurrect yourself.
@makeegg: Use this instead of @item to make a pet egg.
@refine: Refine your equipment.
@questskill <id>: Give yourself your quest skills.
@heal <hp,sp>: Heal (or damage) yourself.
@allskill: Give yourself all your skills at max level
Last updated