Taking the scenic route is still nice sometimes, though.
The Warper is a convenient NPC available in every town that provides fast travel to various dungeons, towns, and special areas for a small fee. Whether you’re too busy, too lazy, or just value efficiency, this NPC ensures you get where you need to go without the hassle of long treks.
Cost per warp: 3,000 Zeny
New characters start with 25 free uses
Can warp to: Towns, First Level Dungeons, Special Areas
Dungeon Unlock System
Some dungeons require unlocking before they can be accessed. You can unlock them in two ways:
Complete the access quest associated with the dungeon.
Pay a one-time Zeny fee to unlock it instantly.
Once unlocked, the dungeon is permanently available for all characters on your Master Account - no need to repeat the process!
Note: If you do pay to unlock a quest, you get none of the items or rewards from the quest. In the case of some dungeons, modifications have been made so you do not need the item (i.e. Lab Pass to enter Bio Labs sewer pipes or Holier Threads to access Ayothaya Dungeon level 2). Most other warps will just place you inside of the dungeon (i.e. Geffenia so you don't need The Sign to open the portal).
Unlockable Dungeons & Costs
Unlock Cost
Amatsu Dungeon
1,000,000 Zeny
Ayothaya Dungeon
5,000,000 Zeny
Bio Labs
10,000,000 Zeny
Geffenia Dungeon
25,000,000 Zeny
Kiel Dungeon
15,000,000 Zeny
Rachel Sanctuary Dungeon
10,000,000 Zeny
Last updated