Bowling Bash should now behave normally
Created fixed vendor locations in prontera and added npc that can warp you to an available spot.
Chat boxes can no longer be opened in a center cross-section of Prontera.
Party channel colour is now orange
Monster AI fixed (they should now be properly tankable and not switch target)
Mobs can now stack and be trained
Added Kafra NPC to Rachel
Illusion Staff of Bordeaux is now equippable by Soul Linkers
The Malangdo Guide can no longer help novices (at least 1st job change required to start Gear Up, Buttercup!)
Metamorphosis on Pecopeco eggs is now removed
Fatigue is now removed from mobs
Malangdo Bow is now equippable by Rogues
Lowered noks protection to 3s (there were issues of noks'd mobs killing other people without them being able to hit back)
Exp share is no longer disabled for idle members of the party
Campfires disabled and sitting regen has been raised to 3%/s in lieu [We would like to fix their issue and bring them back later, but an immediate solution is required until then]
Mobs should no longer get stuck in portals
Old Coins can now be used in a buy store
@dailyexp now resets at midnight server time (@time) instead of 24 hours after use.
The pets that were missing autofeed options now have them
Poison Bullets and Blinding Bullets now have a description
New Patcher with darker background behind the text
Added level requirement to Illusion Muffler description
Renamed Test Subject Aura (White) to Vicious Mind Aura
Backstab description no longer says it hits twice with daggers
Preserve will no longer incorrectly show on Rogue skill tree
% Damage vs Demon rolls now say Demon instead of Devil
3rd Job Skills should no longer show in your skill window when using job Suits
Last updated