Tested and adjusted mobs in new custom dungeon (details TBA) and added hunting quests for them.
Added a few periodic global announcements in-game (1 random announcement every hour)
Only MVPs TP from portals now.
The drag and drop icons for twilight alchemy skills now display properly.
Added support for Third, Fourth, and jRO Third Job Suit costumes.
Re-roller no longer uses items from your favourites tab, and is now working properly with forged weapons.
EXP for Repeatable iRO quests has been updated to match the iRO wiki page.
Skeggiold EXP adjusted.
Added selection to option re-roller NPC to let you choose whether to roll with physical or magical rolls.
Also added the physical/magical roll selection to the new dungeon crafter NPC.
Fixed a bug where defender wasn't being properly applied upon casting devotion (you were not getting the damage reduction or ASPD reduction unless defender was recast after devotion).
Backstab can now proc Gank (steal).
Ice Pick can now be equipped by a soul linked Super Novice, despite being a level 1 weapon. Other requirements still apply (i.e. be level 96 or higher)
Removed second, non-working Orlean's Glove from item DB to avoid confusion on the test server.
The Novice NPC should no longer TP you randomly even if you let the chat box expire after receiving your items.
Added info to Backstab skill description about it hitting twice with daggers.
Wooden Block is now Campfire Log.
An NPC that provides 30 minute Hunter, Sage, and Crusader links is now available, currently located upstairs in the Revenant Pub.
now displays the HIT required for 100% HIT and FLEE required for 95% dodge.When viewing the description of an equip: "Wear costume" -> "Try costume" since "Wear costume" doesn't quite fit on the button.
Last updated