Available @commands
Helpful commands you can use in-game.
For additional command information, including how to use and any alias', please use @help command
@commands: Displays a list of commands that you can use.
@help <command>: Shows help for a specified command.
@settings: Configure login settings such as autoloot settings and which channels to join.
@ws/@wb <item name> or (<+refine> )(<item_id>)(<[card_id]>)((<option_id> <option_value>)): Searches all venders and buy shops, displays the results, and lets you open the shop from the results.
@ltp: Shows your last teleport location on the mini-map.
@lgp: 'Lite graphics plugin' is a tool that can be used to increase game clarity by providing information through coloured blocks about cells. Used in combination with @aoes, @square, and @circle.
@killcount: Show the kill count of your last killed mob. @killcount <mob_id>
will show you the kill count for a specific mob id. To reset a kill count, use @killcount reset <mob_id>
. @killcount reset all
is also supported. All mobs are automatically tracked.
@hold: Toggle player movement.
@expgain: Shows your experience gained over a session. A session automatically starts when you login, and you can reset it using @expgain reset.
@showroll <%>: Show your RNG roll for items under a certain drop rate.
@showrare <%>: Shows an individual announcement when you drop an item under a certain drop rate.
@ha/@huntersassurance: Shows the progress of your Hunter's Assurance quest.
@cd/@cooldown <instance_id>: Shows your remaining cooldown, if any, for the provided instance ID. The instance_id is usually the instance ID of the MVP or the name of the instance, i.e. 1751 for Valkyrie Randgris, Endless Tower or Sealed Shrine. Only using part of the name will work, @cd end
will show your Endless Tower cooldown).
@autoloot <%>: Autoloot items under a certain drop rate.
@alootid <+/- name/id>: Starts or stops autolooting a specified item. Typing "reset" will clear the autoloot item list.
@nolootid <id>: Prevent autolooting a specific item.
@dailyexp: Provides 1 hour of double exp buff and life insurance per master account per day.
@squares <on/off/size 1-18>: Adjust the size of the square drawn by @lgp or toggle it on/off.
@circle <of/off>: Displays a range circle around your character.
@aoes: Shows squares for AoE effects such as Storm Gust.
@changegm <guild_member_name>: Change the guild master. You must be a guild leader to use this command, and the player must be online.Player must be online, and you must be a guild leader to use this command and cannot use it during WoE, inside a castle
@mobinfo/@mi <name/id>: Shows monster info (stats, exp, drops etc).
@iteminfo/@ii <name/id>: Shows item info (type, price etc).
@whodrops <name/id>: Shows who drops an item (monster with highest drop rates).
@whereis <name/id>: Shows the spawn locations and amounts of a mob.
@refresh: Refreshes your client-state with the server.
@showexp: Displays/hides experience gained.
@showzeny: Displays/hides Zeny gained.
@noks: Prevent other players from hitting your mobs.
@autotrade/@at: Allows you continue vending offline. The character will continue vending until you log in to that account again, all items are sold, or the mapserver closes.
@aloottype: Add or remove items to loot based on their type.
@showdelay: Shows/hides the "There is a delay after this skill" message.
@exp: Displays current levels and % progress.
@shake: Enable/Disable screen shake.
@noask: Auto rejects deals/invites.
@time: Shows the date and time of the server.
@jailtime: Displays remaining jail time. If @jail was used, the chat window will display "You have been jailed indefinitely".
@hominfo/@homstats: Displays homunculus stats in different formats.
@join <#channel_name>: Joins the specified channel.
@channel leave <#channel_name>: Leaves the specified channel.
@request <message>: Sends a message to all connected GMs (via the gm whisper system).
@rates: Shows the server's current experience and drop rates.
@uptime: Displays how long the server has been online.
!ping: Displays connection statistics.
!vsync: Disables the 60 FPS limit.
Chat Commands
%: Messages prefixed with this will be sent to your party.
$: Messages prefixed with this will be sent to your guild.
Slash Commands
/walkdelay: Toggles walk delay (the delay between a click and response).
/quake: Toggles screen shake.
/camera: Toggle camera zooming (camera zooming on keeps your character locked in the center of your screen).
/alchemist: Shows top 10 brewer ranking.
/taekwon: Shows top 10 taekwon ranking.
/alchemist: Shows top 10 smith ranking.
/am: Configure an automated message to be sent to anyone who PMs you. Use the command again to disable it.
/where: Show your current map and coordinates
/bm: Enable/Disable battle mode
/noctrl and /nc: - Continuous auto attacks without having to hold ctrl.
/noshift and /ns: - Allows targeting with support skills without having to hold shift.
/effect: Enable/Disable effects.
/lightmap: Toggle shading and lighting effects.
/fog: Toggle fog.
/camera: Toggle camera "zooming" for a smoother camera effect or one that tightly follows your character
/organize "Party Name": Create a party.
/invite "Player Name": Invite a player to your party.
/guild "Guild Name": Create a guild. Must have an emperium.
Last updated