The patch that launch will be played on
Purchased and set up Gepard. We now have !vsync, !ping, @lgp, @square, @circle and more.
Modified Alchemist Demonstration skill.
Added Illusion of Moonlight dungeon.
Bar drink effects have been reduced in power level (and cost).
Fixed a problem where Homonculus AI was not working.
Added Gepard-based EXP share support.
Added Gepard-based MVP Instance cooldown support.
Access to level 2 Ayothaya Dungeon is now possible without Holier Threads if you've unlocked Ayothaya Dungeon in the warper.
Kiel Dungeon is now unlockable, and level 2 of Kiel Dungeon is accessible if you've purchased the unlock.
Removed the requirement to type "Luxurious Keycard" to enter floor 2 of Kiel Dungeon.
Whitesmiths now have access to an HD Weapon Refine skill. It uses an HD Oridecon and provides the higher success rate and lower cost of using a Whitesmith to refine. If your upgrade fails, your refine is reduced by 1 instead of breaking.
Costume Boxes will now no longer be consumed (and no item received) if your inventory is full.
Fixed many many palettes. There should be fewer broken ones across all jobs and job suits, but there are still some known issues unfortunately.
Changing servers in the client now works properly.
Fixed a bug with punching dummies not having boss protocol. You can now manually toggle boss protocol.
Assassin Spirit now only provides 25% Sonic Blow ACD reduction instead of 50%.
Fixed an error loading ra_temin grf resource.
Old Coins no longer drop from plants or mushrooms, as well as many static mobs (Hydra, Ant Eggs, Madragora, etc.) and maps known for abuse (Prontera Culverts)
White Lady now spawns a Chung E that drops no loot and gives no experience.
Reflect skills and Reject Sword now only reflect up to your maximum HP.
Repeatable Exp Quests normalized to be ~25% of the experience gained from the mobs killed.
Green, Red, Yellow, White, and Blue herbs now have reduced weight. Green 3->2, White 7->4, Yellow - 5->3, Red 4->2, Blue 7->4.
Normalized BS/WS buff duration.
Adrenaline Rush:
Duration: 30/60/90/120/150s -> 60/90/120/150/180s
SP Cost: 20/23/26/29/32 -> 24/28/31/35/40
Weapon Perfection:
Duration: 10/20/30/40/50s -> 60/90/120/150/180s
SP Cost: 18/16/14/12/10 -> 46/42/38/34/30
Over Thrust:
Duration: 20/40/60/80/100s -> 60/90/120/150/180s
SP Cost: 18/16/14/12/10 -> 23/21/19/17/15
Full Adrenaline Rush:
Duration: 150s -> 180s
SP Cost: 64 (Unchanged)
Incubus now drops Girl's Naivety at card rate.
Changed the description of Witch's Pumpkin Hat to reflect the actual combo effect with Alarm Mask.
The following Gospel buffs are now removed on logout: Status Immunity, 100% HP, 100% SP, 100% ATK, - 25% DEF, +20 All Stats.
is now master-account based instead of account based.Wild Rider, Wizard of the Truth, and Deranged Adventurer can no longer be hunted using Hunter's Assurance.
The bartender now serves Adrenaline Ale (AGI +1).
Turn Undead can no longer instantly killed Deranged Adventurer.
Orc Archer Bow removed until a future episode.
Burning Bow removed from OPB.
Pub Amulet cooldown is now 5 minutes.
Last updated