General Changes
Changes to make your life better and easier.
We have a ton of QoL to make your playing time on Revenant more enjoyable.
For more details on specific changes please see its dedicated page as this page is only intended as a brief overview.
Master Account and Storage
No more personal storage guilds, or drop trading. Every master account gets 15 master storages shared among all your in-game accounts, and every in-game account gets 5 personal storages.
General QoL
The Revenant Pub (our "Main Office")
Found easily just south-east of center Prontera. It contains many NPCs you'll be using frequently, and is a great place to meet up for trades.
General QoL
Rename Personal and Master Account Storage
Keep things a bit more organized.
General QoL
Malangdo Starter Gear
A quest and dungeon to help new players get off to the right start. You'll be offered a warp here after your first job change!
General QoL
Kafra Cards
Easy access to your items - kafra cards are sold at tool dealers in all towns and offer access to account, master, and guild storages.
Pub Amulet
Warps you to the Revenant Pub without being consumed. Cooldown: 10 minutes
General QoL
Novice Grounds Job Selection
The final NPC in novice grounds offers a selection of jobs instead of a quiz, including gunslinger, TaeKwon, ninja, and super novice.
General QoL
Hunter's Assurance
Farming indefinitely sucks.
Same sex marriage
It's 2025.
General QoL
100% Card Removal
...It's 2025?
Repeatable EXP Quests
We have item turn-ins and monster hunting quests.
General QoL
AoE Bless and Agi buffs
High Priests have access to their third job skills Clementia and Canto Candidus.
General QoL
Cast Animations Removed
Many skills have had their cast animation removed such as High Priest AoE buffs, Wind Walk, etc. so party members are not interrupted by the casting of these.
The Sign Quest
Arian doesn't delete items he didn't ask for.
Sir Jore is now available 24/7.
The random warp now always goes to prt_maze02.
Removed failure rate of brewing Vigorgra.
Removed waiting and failure to forge Sobbing Starlight.
Removed wait times in creating The Sign Accessory.
Increased chance to get Ancient_Translator from NPC Frank.
Reduced Seal failure rate.
General QoL
Twilight Alchemy for Blue Potions, Alcohols, and Bomb Sets in addition to Condensed and Standard White Potions
Brewing should be less painful.
Gunslinger/Ninja Ammo NPC
By the tool dealer in prontera, this NPC hopes to make playing these classes easier.
Increased Sitting HP/SP Regen
Regen shouldn't take forever. Restore 1% of your HP and SP per second while sitting, and an additional 3% (4% total) when sitting near a campfire.
General QoL
Buffer, Plagiarism, Endow and more NPCs in the Revenant Pub
The Revenant Pub is a hub to make your gaming easier and more enjoyable.
General QoL
Increased WoE Supply Drops
Many drops have been increased to make supplying your guild easier.
Overweight increased to 70%
We find 50% just too limiting.
General QoL
Cute Pet System
Some cute pets with unique bonuses.
Custom Pets
Increased Pet Intimacy and Decreased Pet Hunger Rates
Taking care of your pet should be slightly easier.
General QoL
Autofeed Enabled
You can autofeed your pets and Homonculous. Pets return to egg if you have autofeed on and run out of food.
General QoL
Buy & Sell Venders with @ws and @wb
Venders can be found and interacted with directly using @ws and @wb
General QoL
Universal Tool Dealer in all towns
Every tool dealer sells the same set of items.
General QoL
HD Ori/Elu
Exchange your regular ores for HD ores when doing dangerous upgrades so your equipment isn't destroyed.
General QoL
Increased Experience when partying
Bringing more friends is always encouraged.
Infinite Fly Wing
Available to all through a quest.
Boarding Halter
Get around faster, and in style.
MVP Tombstones
Shows who killed the MVP and when. Tombs spawn where the MVP died.
General QoL
Increased Camera Zoom and Unlocked Camera
We increased the maximum you can zoom out, and unlocked the camera angle on most maps.
General QoL
Food buffs
Food now lasts 30 minutes and are not lost on death.
General QoL
Devotion level range increased to 20
Increased from 10 so that it is in line with our exp share range
General QoL
Punching Dummies
Test your strength (or lack thereof?) in southeast Prontera
Custom NPCs
Umbala Bungee Jump
Success chance increased to 50% (from 33%) and now only takes half your HP when you fail.
General QoL
Alchemist Guild
Kafra and Medicine Bowls, Empty Potion Bottes, and Empty Test Tubes added to material seller. A warp is available in the warper.
General QoL
Endows only removed on right-hand swap
Assassins can switch their off-hand weapon without losing endow.
General QoL
Gospel Buffs
The following Gospel buffs are removed on logout: Status Immunity, 100% HP, 100% SP, 100% ATK, 25% DEF, All Stats +20.
General Change
Reflect Cheese Fix
You can no longer reflect damage for more than your max HP.
General Change
Homonculus EXP
Homonculus now receive 10% of all experience received by the owner, regardless of kill participation.
General QoL
Fixed Vendor Locations
Nice and organized window shopping in Prontera
General QoL
Last updated