Welcome to Project Revenant
A server you can call home.
Episode: 11.1 Rachel - Arunafeltz & Holy Ground (following official episode progression)
Server Type: Pre-Renewal
Maximum Level: 99/70
Maximum Stat: 99
Maximum ASPD 190
Maximum Clients: Unlimited
Master Accounts and Master Storages
Party Share: 20 Levels
Party Size: 12 Members
Server Time: EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Rates: 5x/5x/5x, MVP Cards 1x (Please note: drop rates use a logarithmic scale, see Drop Rate Scaling for more info.)
Server Location: New York
Some Features
MVP Instances
Master Account based warper
Kafra Cards
30 minute Increase Agi and Blessing from all Inns
Repeatable EXP Quests (monster hunting and item turn-ins)
@autoloot and other convenient atcommands
Reset stats/skills for zeny (no level deduction)
Re-rollable random options
Overweight increased to 70%
Increased SP/HP regen sitting near a campfire (4% per second)
Universal Tool Dealer in all towns
HD Elunium/Oridecon (reduce refine by 1 instead of break)
Increased drops for brewing supplies
Hardware macros allowed (Razer Synapse, Logitech G HUB, etc allowed; Sickpot, AHK, etc not allowed)
WoE stats
GRF editing allowed (editing player sprite not allowed)
Live test server
Cosmetic only cash shop (no stats on costumes)
Last updated